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Creating a next.js monorepo

Learn how to create a basic monorepo containing multiple next.js apps.

Creating the project

In terminal, create a new directory for our monorepo, and set up a basic package.json using yarn:

mkdir next-mono-post
cd next-mono-post/
yarn init -y

Creating workspaces

Open the package.json file in your IDE, delete everything then add the below:

  "name": "next-mono-post",
  "private": true,
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "workspaces": [
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=20.0.0"
  "packageManager": "yarn@1.22.21"

The workspaces array tells the package manager where our workspaces are in our monorepo:

  • apps/* – will contain all of our independent next.js apps.
  • packages/config/* – will contain reusable packages (formatting, linting…)
  • packages/shared/* – will contain shared code to be used across our next.js apps (UI components)

Adding Next.js apps

Create a new apps directory at the root of our monorepo:

mkdir apps

Cd into the apps directory and use yarn to generate a few next apps, when generating the apps, you’ll be ok in this example to use the default config:

cd apps
yarn create next-app app1
yarn create next-app app2
yarn create next-app api

Your project structure should now look like this:

Updating the pages

So that we can confirm we are looking at the right apps, lets update the homepages of each:

  • Open apps/app1/app/page.tsx
  • Delete everything from the file
  • Replace with the following:
export default function Home() {
  return (


Do the same in apps/app2/app/page.tsx and apps/api/page.tsx, replacing the string in the <h1> tag to App2 and Api respectively.

Running the Apps

To run each of the apps, cd into the app directory (apps/api, apps/app1, apps/app2) and run yarn dev, you wont need to manually specify a port, if a port is already in use yarn will assign a different one.

Published innext.js