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Maya DevKit Installation

Please note this is for OSX

  1. Download the maya development kit:
    Maya 2018 macos DevKit
  2. Extract the files into a new folder called devkitBase on the home directory (users/johnplayer/devkitBase)
  3. From the extracted folder (devkitBase) copy the ‘/devkit’ and ‘/mkspec’ folders into your existing maya installation directory (Applications/Autodesk/maya2018)
  4. Install clang with LIBC++
  5. Install xcode
  6. Get the correct version of macos SDK (10.11)

    a) git clone
    b) Copy the MacOSX10.11.sdk folder
    c) Open applications > Xcode (alt-click > show package contents)
    d) Go to Contents/developer/platforms/MacOSX.platform/developer/SDKs/
    e) Paste the folder here

Read the docs here:
Published inMayaPython